The Creation Creates the Creator.
The creation of a new world in service to all of life. A lofty goal with a winding and organic path. If we allow ourselves to participate in the grand, multidimensional creative process of life happening, profound adventures may follow. When we surrender to our own power, grace and beauty, we become that. Each and every project becomes a creator of ourselves and a living thing unto themselves.
Here are some of mine.
San Francisco and Stinson Beach, CA, USA
Teacher and Facilitator with Andres Amador
A small group experience of meditation, inquiry and collective art creation with the master of large scale nature art, Andres Amador.
San Francisco, Berkeley, Sausalito, Boulder - USA, Online
Creator and Primary Teacher
Now approaching a decade of collective transformational Practice. An original Personal development program created to explore higher order development through an integral, full spectrum of tools and techniques.
A twice yearly 21 Day opportunity for intensive personal development, healing and self care on all levels. Embodiment is simply the totality of your potential in form.
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Founding Partner 2010-11
Transformational living. The Blue Morpho Center is the intersection of retreat center, school and intentional community in Costa Rica. Created to be the 1st node in a world wide network of complementary facilities dedicated to the creation of a new world, the BMC was inspired by the multi-decade development of a group of healers offering their services at Burning Man and various festivals around the world.
San Francisco, CA, USA
Creator, Teacher 10.10.10 - 11.11.11
Professional energy medicine training and certification program.
Sweden, Croatia, EU, International
Core Development Team 2013-14
Transformation through education and community. An international organization based in the EU devoted to reinventing the global educational paradigm. The IPTL is a social network of practitioners and hosts of transformative learning that produces the annual Changemaker Festival and hosts professional certification programs.